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ASHAWO Police Men Seen D0 ing it in Public (SEE PHOTOS)

by XTRA GIST , at Tuesday, September 01, 2015 , have 0 comments
These days Most people will associate Ghanaian police force with corruption and bribery but been ashawo isn’t one of them. A picture that was circulation online today, show two police men sandwiching a little girl on the dance floor.

Why this has gone unnoticed by the authorities is a mystery to us and why nobody tried to stop this shameful act is beyond us.

Why will two members of the countries police force are grinding on a teenager while wearing their police uniforms. They have disrespected the police profession and also violated the little girl.

This brings into question the accusations that some policemen take s exs exual favours in order to turn a blind eye to crimes and also blackmail prostitutes into having s exs ex with them.

Anyway let us know what you think, is it alright for them to do this or not. Also don’t forget to send us your pictures on our Facebook, if you have any that is worth talking about.

ASHAWO Police Men Seen D0 ing it in Public (SEE PHOTOS)
ASHAWO Police Men Seen D0 ing it in Public (SEE PHOTOS) - written by XTRA GIST , published at Tuesday, September 01, 2015, categorized as Events . And have 0 comments
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